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Dirty Little Secrets is not a sales book, but it will help you sell, close quicker, and find more clients. Indeed: the dirty little secrets of the title refer to the problems that the sales model itself creates, and how to overcome them.

Because sales focuses on placing solution, and buyers won’t buy until their off-line issues get addressed, sales fails close to 90% of the time. Indeed, sales has not offered skills to successfully manage those behind-the-scenes decisions that happen without us - until now.

Dirty Little Secrets offers skills to coach our buyers through their off-line decisions. It explains the buying decision process in detail - the steps buuers follow to garner the appropriate behind-the-scenes buy-in - and a very insightful Case Study that takes us through every aspect of a sale and shows how to use her Buying Facilitation® model. This sophisticated book is filled with real world examples, and gives you the tools to help buyers discover the route through to their buying decisions.

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Dirty Little Secrets is not a sales book, but a systems guide through change management and decision making. It actually teaches the skills to help buyers make their off-line buying decisions.


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What’s stopping us from closing the sales we should be closing? What’s causing us to lose prospects that need our solution? Why is the sales cycle so long? Why do we close less than 10% of our prospects?

Morgen contends it’s the sales model itself. In this disturbing, insightful book, Morgen introduces us to the behind-the-scenes world of the buyer: the culture, the system, the decisions, and the change management issues that need to be addressed before buyers can buy. The sales model has never taught us how to manage these off-line issues, and so we sit and wait until buyers do this on their own.

Now, in  Dirty Little Secrets, we discover what’s going on and how we can help. Caution: if you are not ready to add some new skills or new thinking to what you’re already doing, this book is not for you. But if you are a serious student of sales, and want to find more prospects and close faster, this book is a wonderful guide through change management and decision making. After you’ve read the book, you’ll know exactly what is going on in your buyer’s environment and how to help them.
